I found this photo on the Internet and am not sure who the very talented photographer is but something about this image caught my eye. To many people this could simply be a picture of a sign post in the middle of no where but to me i found it so much more, i found this photo inspiring. It stands there all alone with nothing but the wind blowing through the grass to keep it company but it still stands tall and provides its purpose in life. Even though many people might simply ignore this sign because they have no use for it, it is still there and still exists and to some people it might be the most important thing they see all day because it will point them in the direction they need to go in life. So just remember next time you see something or someone that might not seem important to you, that they have their own purpose in life just like you. Everyone is special in their own way just like this sign post was special to me...
Hi Kirstie, have read a lot about you on your lovely Mum's blog ... now will have to follow you as well. There is a book in there somewhere I'm sure ... Blessings Dzintra Ingrid
...one day I look forward to reading a wonderful book filled with the thoughts & writings of such a talented and bright young woman...
Oh Kirstie, your blog is always such a joy to read. Blog more!!! I cant get enough. You write beautifully, you should be very proud of yourself! xoxo
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