Well as you can all see my blog has had a major makeover!! I thought it was time for me to reinvent it just in time for the New Year. 2009 will soon be upon us which means another year has passed by and once again failed to take me with it. Time is a certainty of life that sometimes travels to fast or to slow but will inevitably continue to tick tock in the back of our heads. When looking back on this last year the time spent thinking of whether the decisions i made were for the best or whether i could have done better than a B+ ive come to the conclusion that none of that really truly matters because in life we are all given a certain amount of time on this planet. If we waste percious moments worrying about all the small if's and but's than we are wasting the time that could be spent watching the graceful clouds float across the crystal clear blue sky or appreciating the kind words said by people that mean the most to you! So my New Years resolution is ..... TO STOP THINKING! lol! Happy New Year Everyone!
Well my dear daughter...I think for a 15 year old you have made some wise and thoughtful decisions this year that will change your life only for the good... You work so hard to be a good friend, get good grades and to be an amazing daughter...I think you know but I will tell you again how proud I am!!!! I can't wait for 2009 to bring us heaps more adventures together...Thank you for always making me smile...Love ya mummy xxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooo
I´ve found a new blog to visit ! I like what you write so I will come back.
Happy New Year !
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